Beyond Time: Exploring the Divine 'Allah' Before Creation...

The question of what Allah (another name for GOD) was doing before creation is a profound one, prompting inquiries not only from atheists but also from Muslims seeking to understand the nature of the Divine. To approach this question, it is crucial to grasp the concept of time—particularly its relative nature as described by modern physics.

Traditionally, time is viewed as a constant, a universal tick-tock that governs our lives. However, Einstein's theory of relativity revolutionizes our understanding, positing that time is not a fixed entity but rather a relative experience. For instance, an observer might perceive another person's time as moving slower when they themselves are in motion. This illustrates the idea that time is experienced differently based on an individual's movement through space.

To illustrate this further, consider traveling from one location to another. Walking may take an hour, cycling could cut that down to 30 minutes, and a plane might make the trip in just 20 seconds. If one were to somehow travel at the speed of light, they would reach their destination almost instantaneously—demonstrating that at such speeds, time becomes negligible. This ultimate speed belongs only to Allah, as referenced in the Quran, where it is stated that Allah is the "swiftest of all accountants" (Surah Al-Ma'arij: 4). This implies that for Allah, time is nonexistent; He is not bound by its flow.

The concept of time itself is a creation of Allah, who exists beyond its confines. Thus, the terms "before," "now," and "after" lose their meaning when applied to the Divine. When we ponder what Allah was doing before creation, we must recognize that such questions stem from our limited understanding of time, shaped by our experiences as beings constrained within its parameters.

For humans, time flows like a river, always moving toward the future while leaving the past behind. This perception limits our understanding; we cannot access past moments or see into the future. However, it may be beneficial to conceptualize time as a series of snapshots—each moment encapsulating an event. This view aligns with the notion that every moment that has ever occurred or will occur is accounted for by Allah, who exists outside the linear progression of time.

From this perspective, every moment in time and space, from the birth of the universe approximately 14 billion years ago to contemporary events, is available to Allah. He sees all moments as they are lined up—present, past, and future coexisting in His eternal view. Consequently, Allah’s knowledge encompasses our future and holds a complete record of all past events.

Critics may wonder why the Quran refers to the creation of the heavens and the earth in "six days" if Allah is not bound by time. These references serve as a means for humans to comprehend and account for time, allowing us to frame our understanding of creation in relatable terms. For instance, the Quran mentions in Surah Al-Fusilat that the earth was created in two days, while in Surah Al-A'raf, the entire universe is created in six days. Comparing these verses illustrates that the earth is three times younger than the universe—an assertion that aligns with contemporary scientific discoveries.

Scientific understanding corroborates the idea that the universe began approximately 13.5 billion years ago, while the earth formed around 4.5 billion years ago—reinforcing the Quranic assertion of the age disparity between the two.

In summary, the inquiry into what Allah was doing before creation leads us to a deeper understanding of time, existence, and the Divine. While we are bound by time and its limitations, Allah exists beyond these constraints, knowing all that was, is, and will be. Our perceptions of time and creation, as conveyed through religious texts, serve as guidance for us to navigate our existence and relationship with the Divine, fostering a greater appreciation for the complexities of our universe and the God who created it.

Dr. Pradeep JNA


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